2022年8月、ホームページを全面リニューアルしました! 情報を分かりやすくお伝えできるサイト作りを目指してまいります。

Prelude DE IDS!

preludeは、ハイブリッド型侵入検知システムとでも言おうか、syslogや、各種アプリケーションが検出した攻撃の痕跡から侵入を検知するシステムである。ここでは、Debianのdebパッケージでインストールするけど source も有る。だから、コンパイル&ビルドしてインストールできそうだ。とりあえず設定関係がめんどくさいのでやっと立ち上がったところ迄を説明する。

インストール環境 )
マシン:Dell PentiumⅡマシン


jerry:~# apt-get install prelude-lml prelude-manager prelude-nids

jerry:~# /usr/sbin/prelude-manager-db-create.sh
So if you ever have a database running for another job
please think about taking it away, because this script
will install prelude as a dedicated database and you
could meet some troubles with your old bases.

Do you want to install a dedicated database for prelude ?
(y)es / (n)o : y

*** Phase 1/7 ***

Enter the type of the database [mysql|pgsql]: mysql

*** Phase 2/7 ***

Enter the name of the host where the database is running [localhost]: localhost

*** Phase 3/7 ***

Enter the port where the database is running [3306]: 3306

*** Phase 4/7 ***

Enter the name of the database that should be created to stock alerts [prelude]: prelude

*** Phase 5/7 ***

This installation script has to connect to your mysql database in order to create a user dedicated t
o stock prelude’s alerts
What is the database administrative user ? [root]: root

We need the password of the admin user “root” to log on the database.
By default under mysql, root has an empty password.
Please enter a password: xxxxxxx
Please confirm entered password: xxxxxxx

*** Phase 6/7 ***

We need to create a database user account that will be used by the Prelude Manager in order to acces
s the “prelude” database.

Username to create [prelude] : prelude

We need to set a password for this special “prelude” account.
This password will have to be used by prelude-manager to access the database.
Please enter a password: xxxxxxx
Please confirm entered password: xxxxxxx

*** Phase 7/7 ***

Please confirm those information before processing :

Database name : prelude
Database admin user: root
Database admin password: (not shown)

prelude owner user: prelude
prelude owner password: (not shown)

Is everything okay ? (yes/no) : yes

Creating the database prelude…

————– End of Database Support Installation ————-
If it succeeded, you should now be able to launch prelude-manager like that :
==> prelude-manager –mysql –dbhost localhost –dbname prelude –dbuser prelude –dbpass xxxxxx

Or you may modify the prelude-manager configuration file (/usr/local/etc/prelude-manager/prelude-man
ager.conf by default) in order to launch prelude-manager without database arguments:
———- cut here —>
# Host the database is listening on.
dbhost = localhost;
# Port the database is listening on.
dbport = 3306;
# Name of the database.
dbname = prelude;
# Username to be used to connect the database.
dbuser = prelude;
# Password used to connect the database.
dbpass = xxxxxx;
<— cut here ———-

Replace xxxxxx by the password you choose for the manager account


jerry:~# /etc/prelude-manager/prelude-manager.conf
# Host the database is listening on.
dbhost = localhost;
# Port the database is listening on.
dbport = 3306;
# Name of the database.
dbname = prelude;
# Username to be used to connect the database.
dbuser = prelude;
# Password used to connect the database.
dbpass = xxxxxxx;

jerry:~# /etc/prelude-sensors/sensors-default.conf

manager-addr =;

jerry:~# vi /etc/prelude-lml/prelude-lml.conf

manager-addr =;

jerry:~# vi /etc/prelude-nids/prelude-nids.conf

manager-addr =;
# Reassemble TCP data sent by client and server.

jerry:~# manager-adduser

Generated one-shot password is “xxxxxxxx“. ← ※

This password will be requested by “sensor-adduser” in order to connect.
Please remove the first and last quote from this password before using it.

– Waiting for install request from Prelude sensors…


jerry:~# sensor-adduser –sensorname prelude-lml –uid 0 –manager-addr
Now please start “manager-adduser” on the Manager host where
you wish to add the new user.

Please remember that you should call “sensor-adduser” for each configured
Manager entry.

Press enter when done.

Please use the one-shot password provided by the “manager-adduser” program.

Enter registration one shot password : xxxxxxx ← ※印のパスワードをそのまま入れる。
Please confirm one shot password : xxxxxxx ← ※印のパスワードをそのまま入れる。
connecting to Manager host (… Succeeded.

Username to use to authenticate : prelude
Please enter a password for this user : ← 適当なパスワード
Please re-enter the password (comfirm) : ← もう一度
Register user “prelude” ? [y/n] : y
Plaintext account creation succeed with Prelude Manager.
Allocated ident for prelude-lml@jerry: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

jerry:~# manager-adduser

Generated one-shot password is “xxxxxxx“. ← ※

This password will be requested by “sensor-adduser” in order to connect.
Please remove the first and last quote from this password before using it.

– Waiting for install request from Prelude sensors…


jerry:~# sensor-adduser –sensorname prelude-nids –uid 65534 –manager-addr
Now please start “manager-adduser” on the Manager host where
you wish to add the new user.

Please remember that you should call “sensor-adduser” for each configured
Manager entry.

Press enter when done.

Please use the one-shot password provided by the “manager-adduser” program.

Enter registration one shot password : xxxxxxx ← ※印のパスワードをそのまま入れる。
Please confirm one shot password : xxxxxxx ← ※印のパスワードをそのまま入れる。
connecting to Manager host (… Succeeded.

Username to use to authenticate : prelude
Please enter a password for this user : xxxxxxx ← 適当なパスワード
Please re-enter the password (comfirm) : xxxxxxx ← もう一度
Register user “prelude” ? [y/n] : y
Plaintext account creation succeed with Prelude Manager.
Allocated ident for prelude-nids@jerry: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

jerry:~# /etc/init.d/prelude-manager restart
jerry:~# /etc/init.d/prelude-lml restart
jerry:~# /etc/init.d/prelude-nids restart

6.prelude データベースのフロントエンドpiwiを入れる
jerry:~# apt-get install piwi

jerry:~# vi /etc/apache2/apache2.conf

User www-data
Group www-data

Alias /piwi/ “/usr/share/piwi/”
<Directory “/usr/share/piwi”>
Options ExecCGI FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

DirectoryIndex index.html index.htm index.cgi index.pl


jerry:~# chown -R www-data:www-data /usr/share/piwi
jerry:~# chown -R www-data:www-data /var/cache/piwi
jerry:~# chown -R www-data:www-data /etc/piwi/Profiles
jerry:~# chown -R www-data:www-data /etc/piwi/config.pl

jerry:~# /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

http://< ホスト名 >/piwi/



